Monday, March 2, 2009

Composing like John Cage. Thank you Hannah!

By Robert

Learning about the music John Cage music has been entertaining so far. We're looking forward to accomplishing the goal set ahead of us of composing music and setting it to film. We're working on communicating the vast differences between chaos and control through this music. So far we've collected different noises to play throughout our music, and we're starting to work on possible melodies. Some of the noises include: Squeaking shoes, popping jaws, and water bottles. The melodies are still in their beginning stages but slowly but surely they will develop. And when they do, the noises, plus the music, will be amazing. Music is great, and I love being able to use it creatively.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Doing John Cage music has been entertaining so far. We're looking forward to accomplishing the goal set ahead of us. We're working on contrasting chaos versus control through this music. So far we've gotten different noises to play throughout our music, and we're starting to work on possible melodies. Music is great, and I love being able to do it at our school